Single Use Support / Consumables

Highest requirements for purity and absolutely tight pouches are basics for the production of primary packaging for the pharmaceutical industry. Together with partner companies we provide primary pouch packaging solutions

  • Of any size
  • With as many ports, spouts or tubes as necessary
  • With labels of any kind (as well sealed to the bag)
  • For small volumes as well as to hiqh output

Our partners for these solutions are well known partners of the pharmaceutical industry with track record and



इस विषय पर मशीन डेटा फ़ाइलों की एक्सेस प्राप्त करने के लिए
पंजीकरण करें या लॉग इन करें।

आपकी सहायता करके हमें खुशी होगी
हसिया रेडट्रॉन सेल्स

Nicolas Roussel


0049 1578 53 26 64 6

संपर्क करें

Schorbachstraße 11
D-35510 Butzbach

+49 6033 7474-0

अभी कॉलबैक का अनुरोध करें
What is the sum of 5 and 9?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.